Thursday 26 November 2009

Aviary Chrome Extension

Aviary’s new Chrome extension is simple, but very useful. Once you install it, it adds a little icon to the right side of the URL bar. Clicking on this icon gives you a drop down menu of options. Most give you easy access to Aviary’s suite of tools, but the first option is key. It’s the one that allows you to capture the visible portion of any web page you are on with one click. From there, the image is loaded into whichever Aviary tool you set as the default editor.

So, for example, if I use the Aviary Image Markup tool as my editor, I’ll capture the web page, and be moved into the editor in seconds. From here I can manipulate the screenshot and easily save it to Aviary. More importantly, I can save it to my desktop without having to save it to Aviary at all. This makes for one extremely fast and easy screen capture tool.

But the best part of Aviary’s extension is that it doesn’t slow down Chrome. While the actual Aviary editor takes up some of your CPU, the extension itself ads no bloat to the regular browsing experience. I actually have three extension installed right now and none are slowing Chrome (Chromium) at all. This gives me great hope.



Tuesday 13 October 2009

Google Images Re-Linker

This excellent extension allows you to bypass the Google-framed page when clicking a Google Image search result and takes you directly to the image itself. It also adds a link to the original page underneath the image result just in case you like that sort of thing - you weirdo.

Google Images Re-Linker


Allow Right-Click In Google Chrome

This extension allows you to by-pass those annoying attempts by websites to block your ability to right-click. Have fun STEALING SOURCE CODE you theif!

It was created by the same author responsible for the Google Images Re-Linker extension and the PrintFriendly extension. What a hero!

Chrome Right-ClickChrome Right-ClickChrome Right-Click



AdSweep for Google Chrome Logo

AdSweep is a small addon that aims to hide advertising from the web pages you visit like Adblock. In technical terms, AdSweep is a user javascript that defines CSS rules based on the web site you are visiting to hide elements of the page that show advertisements.

Basically, traditional ad blockers will only block a few ads, leaving sometimes the placeholder empty, as if there were a problem loading the images. AdSweep gets rid of all ads and leaves the page clean.

Visiting the AdSweep homepage will alert you to the version you are currently using and if it is up-to-date:

AdSweep Version

Coupled with AdBlock+ this is a fantastic extension.


AdBlock+ for Google Chrome

"An adblock extension for Google Chrome. Similar to "Remove It Permanently" and "Adblock Plus: Element Hiding Helper" from FireFox."
This extension allows you to permanently remove elements from any website. It also lets you subscribe to all the popular ad-block filter lists such as EasyList (USA).

Once installed it displays a bar along the bottom of the browser window:
NOTE: You can toggle the bar to show or hide by pressing Ctrl + Alt + B

AdBlock+ Chrome Toolbar

To block an element on a page simply click the 'Block Elements' button and then click on the element you wish to block. Once the button has been clicked the mouse will outline the elements on the page as you roll the pointer over them. This series of images show the process of removing a DIV element from the Digg front-page:

Mouse-over the element and click:

AdBlock+ Remove Element

Dialogue box details the element to be removed and asks for confirmation:

AdBlock+ Dialog

The element has been removed:

AdBlock+ Google Chrome

If you wish to undo the removal simply click on the 'Unblock Latest' button. If you have destroyed a site and wish to start over use the 'Unblock' button.

This is a great extension and coupled with AdSweep you will never have to see another advert in Chrome again!


PrintFriendly for Google Chrome

This extension invokes Print Friendly via a printer icon button:

PrintFriendly Chrome Extension

PrintFriendly makes printing on the web better. You'll save paper and ink, plus get great looking documents.

How It Works
  • Prints Clean: The algorithm removes ads, navigation, and all the junk you don't want to print.
  • Prints Pretty: Uses best practices in print Typography to format your document for great readability.
  • Customize: Save even more paper and ink, remove images, paragraphs, and Get PDF


nkGestures - Chrome Mouse Gestures Extension

If you were waiting for mouse gestures to come to Chrome before you swapped browsers then wait no more!

nkGestures is a great mouse gestures extension offering customizable gestures, on-screen draw lines and tab control. It even automatically updates!

After you have installed it you will need to access the settings page. To do this draw a question mark (URDLD):


The first thing you'll need to change will be the language from Chinese (I think) to English. To do so simply check the first check-box at the top of the page.

nkGestures Settings

As you can see you can choose whatever gesture you want for an action. The only annoying thing about this extension is that the gestures don't work when you're on the default Chrome homepage.